F5 doesn’t work on my WordPress Blog

Marie contacted me via contact form asking to solve her problem.

Im am a french woman, wildlife photographer http://www.planetstillalive.com/
I love India http://www.planetstillalive.com/asia/india
But I have a probleme with my webmaster, the website is made with WordPress and Flash, the hosting is OVH.
Actually, F5 or Ctrl F5 work with windows 7 and IE 9 but did not work with Vista IE 8 or IE9.
Is it a pb of my PC or a pb in the soft ?????
Recently the web master change some plugin……(before there was no pb).
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Best Regards from Paris

First of all Marie I checked your website and your photos are stunning. I’m more into landscape and people photography though. I liked your Tajmahal photos.

Now coming back to your problem with F5 and CTRL+F5, I don’t see any problem in any of browsers which I use on Windows XP and Windows 7.

The browsers I tested are Firefox, IE8, Chrome, Opera Safari etc.

I also checked the plugins which are installed on the WordPress but I couldn’t find any reason why they would stop refresh feature in browser.

Unfortunately I don’ t have Vista +IE8 or IE9 so I couldn’t test.

To find out if you have problem with your F5 key, visit any other website and hit the F5 key and see what happens. If the website refreshes then there is no problem with keyboard.

If it still doesn’t work then the last step would be look into your code to find out if there is any piece of code which disables refresh functionality on the Blog.

The best option is to speak to the webmaster and find out if he has added any code to disable refresh feature?


2 responses to “F5 doesn’t work on my WordPress Blog”

  1. Hello,
    First of all, thanks to appreciate my pictures……
    Thanks for your answer, in the same time I asked to my webmaster, who solved apparently the problem.
    In french if you understand…..
    “”””J’ai entièrement vidé le cache via l’extension “hyper cache”
    (cette adresse est uniquement accessible lorsque vous êtes connectes à l’admin)
    A l’avenir, après chaque création de nouvelles galeries, il faudrait faire un “clear cache”
    Réglages / Hyper Cache”
    I try to translate:
    “I completely cleared the cache through the extension “hyper cache”
    see >>>>>http://www.planetstillalive.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=hyper-cache/options.php
    (this adress is only accessible when you are connected to the administration).
    In the future, after every design of new pictures galleries, it would be good to make a “clear cache”
    Settings / Hyper Cache
    The problem is probably coming from an installed extension who manage the application “Hyper cache”
    I made some modifications on the setting of this extension – to force the cache refreshment after every new modification on the application.
    Thats all from the webmaster.
    Thanks a lot again for your interest to my question.
    Best Regards from Paris
    GRENOUILLET Marie France (also in Facebook)
    Wildlife Photographer

    1. Very strange though that Hyper Cache plugin causes this problem.

      Glad that it is solved finally :)

      Next time you visit India, you must go to my city of birth – Varanasi, you will have great adventure with people, animal, (social) wildlife and up to some extent monuments (temples mainly).

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