When you get a Hi-Fi state of the art mobile gadget, the first thing you would want to do is to bring all the applications from your desktop to your tiny little gadget.
That’s what I also did.
The first application which I wanted to install on BlackBerry Bold 9900 was Skype. I thought installing Skype on BlackBerry Bold 9900 will be as easy as finding the application and installing it.
So I went to skype website, then visited Skype for mobile phones, entered my mobile number, received an e-mail with link to install skype. Then I downloaded skype, clicked on install and loo and behold came to know that Skype can’t be installed on BlackBerry Bold 9900.

What a waste of time and effort and not to mention my data usage wastage too.
Conclusion – Skype on BlackBerry Bold 9900 is not available.
Well above statement is not entirely true, if you are in USA and using Verizon then you can get skype on your BlackBerry Bold 9900. For the rest of world it is not available.
What a shame on skype! err… Microsoft.
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