I just installed wordpress.com stats plugin on a new wordpress blog and got following error after entering the API Key

Error from last API Key attempt: Your blog was unable to connect to WordPress.com. Please ask your host for help. (transport error – HTTP status code was not 200)
I’m yet to resolve this issue. A quick Google search showed some possibilities but not solution.
This is a new blog and have never been claimed on WordPress.com so I don’t think the problem is related to already claimed blog. To verify this I logged into WordPress.com and tried to access Global Dashboard but that threw another error:

There was a small systems error. Please try refreshing the page and if the error is still there drop us a note and let us know.
I checked other WordPress blog and saw following error:
We’re experiencing some problems on WordPress.com and we are in read-only mode at the moment. We’re working hard on restoring full service as soon as possible, but you won’t be able to create or make changes to your site currently.
So it seems WordPress.com itself is screwed up at the moment. I’ll give it a try after sometimes.
just to confirm that everything is back to normal now. The problem was with WordPress.com itself. It seems ever night WordPress.com goes to sleep only to wake up next morning.
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